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Well guess what? This is completely normal, yes normal. Vaginal discharge is a sign of a healthy vagina. The acidity in our vagina causes this "bleaching". There are some cases when our discharge is abnormal; and sometimes we may need assistance from our MD, and make a few lifestyle changes. Let's discuss them below:

  • WHAT IS VAGINAL DISCHARGE: Vaginal discharge is a mix of cells, fluids, mucus and bacteria ( lactobacilli) good and bad bacteria may be present. Normal vaginal discharge keeps the vagina healthy. Discharge amount may vary due to ovulation, sexual arousal, birth control pills, menopause and pregnancy. This fluid flows out everyday, carrying out old cells that have lined the vagina; AGAIN keeping the vagina HEALTHY!

  • WHAT IS NORMAL VAGINAL DISCHARGE: Normal vaginal discharge is clear to white, no foul odor, and depending on where you are at during your menstrual cycle this may vary. The amount may vary as well, premenopausal women may have 2-5ml of mucus- like and mostly odorless discharge daily, birth control can increase or decrease this as well. Ovulation discharge is stretchy and slippery, best described like "egg whites" consistency. After ovulation your cervical mucus goes back to thicker, and slightly drier.

  • WHAT IS ABNORMAL VAGINAL DISCHARGE: Abnormal vaginal discharge indicates that there may be an infection present or something else may be wrong.

    1. YELLOW OR GREEN : Sexually transmitted infection. THIS MUST BE TREATED BY A MD! DO NOT HESITATE!

    2. RED: Menstruation, if you are not on your period and this occurs please consult your MD. This could be a cervical infection, cervical polyp, endometrial

or cervical cancer.

  1. PINK: Cervical bleeding, vaginal irritation, implantation bleeding

  2. GREY: Bacterial Vaginosis

  3. WHITE: Healthy discharge. If discharge is thick white ( cottage cheese like consistency) along with itching or burning, then this is indicative of a yeast infection.

  4. CLEAR: healthy discharge, pregnancy, ovulation, hormonal imbalance if excessive


  1. Keep the vagina clean washing with gentle, mild soap and warm water,(Ayade Yoni Wash) on the outside, not in the inside, soap DOES NOT NEED TO GO INSIDE THE VAGINA.

  2. Do not douche, this causes more harm than good. YONI STEAM INSTEAD

  3. Wipe from front to back every time you use the restroom

  4. Wear 100% cotton panties, avoid overly tight clothes, let your vagina breathe!

  5. Do not wear pantyliners everyday, again let your vagina breathe

  6. Do consult your OBGYN if you feel like the your vaginal discharge is excessive.

  7. Use unscented tampons and pads

  8. Urinate after sex

  9. Practice safe sex

  10. Sleep naked, take those panties off!

  11. Ingest probiotics, like yogurt, drink kombucha or take probiotic supplements, prebiotics, such as raw onions and leeks, prevent UTI's with cranberry pills or organic cranberry juice.

  12. Use Ayade Yoni products to help maintain a balanced and healthy vagina.


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